Supporting the Vision​
We are delighted that you would like to support our vision!
Currently, all donations are being used for our Hakuna Mipaka programme, where we award scholarships to highly motivated students at the University of Nairobi. The students qualify based on their field of study and their personal stories.
Donating as an Individual
If you would like to donate as an individual, please use the donation button below. You will find the most common payment methods available (PayPal, credit card, etc.). Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer to our FEA e.V. account. Recurring payments (monthly or annual donations) are available in both options.
If you require a donation receipt, please indicate this during the donation process and we will send it to you by email in February of the following year. For a traditional bank transfer, please include the necessary details (email address and postal address) in the relevant field.
Bank Account Information
Future.Empowerment.Africa e.V.
IBAN: DE65 8306 5408 0005 2753 85
Deutsche Skatbank
Donating as a Company
If you would like to donate as a company, you can use the same payment methods as listed under "Donating as an Individual". Furthermore, we are pleased to explore long-term cooperation opportunities with companies. If you are interested, please contact us via email at
PayPal and card donations
Here you can donate via PayPal or without a PayPal account also via card.
How to deduct your Donation from Tax​
Donations are a wonderful way to do good and enjoy tax benefits at the same time. In Germany, you can deduct your donations to charitable organisations from your taxes, which means you pay less tax. Here you can find out how you can deduct your donation from tax, what requirements must be met and what benefits you can enjoy.
What does "tax-deductible donation" mean?
The term "tax deductible donation" means that you can deduct your donation from your taxable income. This reduces the amount of income on which tax has to be paid and thus lowers your tax burden. The aim is to encourage donors to support charitable projects by offering financial incentives from the state.
Requirements for tax-deductible Donations
A number of conditions must be met for a donation to be tax-deductible:
Non-profit status of the organisation: your donation must go to an organisation that is recognised as a non-profit organisation. These organisations receive a certificate of non-profit status from the tax office.
Donation receipt: You must receive a donation receipt or donation confirmation from the organisation that received the donation. You will need this receipt for your tax return.
Purpose of the donation: The donation must be for a charitable, benevolent or ecclesiastical purpose. This includes many charitable, cultural and sporting organisations.
Donation Tax Return: How to deduct your Donation
To claim your donation on your tax return, proceed as follows:
Collect proof: Keep all donation receipts carefully. For donations up to 300 euros, a simplified receipt, such as a bank statement, is often sufficient.
Special expenses annex: Enter your donations in the special expenses section of your tax return. Enter the total amount of the donations here.
Submit receipts: Enclose the donation receipts with your tax return. With the electronic tax return (ELSTER), you can also submit the receipts digitally.
Check by the tax office: The tax office checks your details and recognises the donations accordingly in your tax calculation.
Advantages of the tax Deductibility of Donations
The tax deductibility of donations offers several advantages:
Tax savings: By deducting the donation, you reduce your taxable income, which results in a lower tax burden.
Promotion of charitable causes: You support important projects and organisations that have a positive impact on society.
Transparency and control: As donation receipts are required, transparency and control are ensured so that you know that your donation is really being received.
Deducting donations from tax is a simple and effective way to do good and reduce your tax burden at the same time. By collecting donation receipts and declaring your donations on your tax return, you can make significant savings. Use this opportunity to support charitable organisations and benefit yourself in the process.
PayPal and card donations
Here you can donate via PayPal or without a PayPal account also via card.
How can I donate to the organisation?There are various ways to donate to our organisation through our website. Our bank details are visible on our website. Additionally, we offer PayPal and other payment options on our donation page.
What payment methods are offered?Besides direct bank transfer, we provide PayPal and Stripe as payment gateways. Both providers offer a variety of different payment methods.
Where does my donation go?Every donation initially goes to our current account at Deutsche Skatbank. Subsequently, our donations are used for students, such as covering their tuition fees.
How do I receive my donation receipt?For donations exceeding 300.00 Euros within the current calendar year, we automatically send donation receipts to individuals residing in Germany. The donation receipt is delivered via email. If the total donation amount within a calendar year is less than 300.00 Euros, a donation receipt is not legally necessary and will only be provided upon request.
What should I consider with donation receipts?In Germany, a donation receipt is necessary for tax purposes starting from an annual donation sum of 300.00 Euros when presenting it to the tax office. Below this sum, simple proof via a bank statement is sufficient. As a registered association in Germany, our donation receipt is only recognized within Germany. Donors from abroad should inquire beforehand whether a German donation receipt is sufficient for tax deductibility.
How are the projects financed?Our projects are financed through donations received from individuals or legal entities. We are immensely grateful for every bit of support.
Do the individuals responsible for FEA receive payment for their work?Staff working for FEA do so voluntarily and do not receive financial compensation for their work. However, there might be remunerations for services offered in the implementation of a project. This could involve, among other things, training and education for the students.
Welche Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar?Spenden an gemeinnützige, mildtätige und kirchliche Organisationen sind steuerlich absetzbar. Dazu zählen auch Spenden an politische Parteien und Wählervereinigungen bis zu bestimmten Höchstbeträgen.
Kann ich Wert- und Sachspenden steuerlich absetzen?Ja, sowohl Geld- als auch Sachspenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Du musst den Wert der jeweiligen Spende nachweisen, beispielsweise durch einen Marktpreis oder eine Schätzung oder durch die Spendenquittung.